Pregnant Mother & Baby Plus

  1. Customized Health Service
  2. Mother and Child Health
  3. Pregnant Mother & Baby Plus

What is the Nutrition
Plus program?

It's a program aimed at improving the nutritional intake status of nutritionally vulnerable individuals by providing nutrition education and supplying supplementary foods that help eliminate nutritional risk factors for a certain period.

Eligibility Criteria

Target Classification Criteria

  • Infants: from birth up to 12 months
  • Children: up to 6 years old (72 months)
  • Pregnant woman
  • Postpartum/nursing mothers

Residence Criteria

  • Resident within the jurisdiction of the public health center

Income Level

  • 80% of the standard median income (income criteria for project participants)

(Unit: KRW)

Number of Household Members Income Criteria National Health Insurance Copayment *
Employer-based Enrollees Community-based Enrollees Mixed
2 people 2,947,000 104,866 38,455 105,889
3 people 3,772,000 134,671 80,190 135,906
4 people 4,584,000 163,987 118,770 165,995
5 people 5,357,000 191,507 140,849 194,124
6 people 6,095,000 217,374 170,355 220,815
7 people 6,812,000 243,098 200,356 247,170
8 people 7,530,000 271,291 233,543 277,236
9 people 8,247,000 296,718 262,392 304,986
10 people 8,964,000 324,452 291,356 336,105

* Excluding Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly

Nutritional Risk Factors

  • Holding at least one of the nutritional risk factors such as anemia, underweight, overweight, growth retardation, poor nutritional intake, etc.

Nutrition Education

  • Conducted once a month as a principle
  • Implemented in forms of group education, counseling, home visits, etc.

Supplementary Foods

  • Foods supplied to complement nutrients that may be lacking in regular meals
  • Provided from among 6 packages, depending on the target group or characteristics
  • Supplies food items according to the prescribed package for each target group, such as rice, potatoes, eggs, milk, black beans, seaweed, carrots, canned tuna, tangerines or orange juice, etc.
  • Delivered via a home delivery service
Category Applicable Foods by Food Package/th>
Infants 0-5 months Infant formula
Infants 6-12 months Infant formula, rice, potatoes, eggs, carrots
Children (1-6 years old) Rice, potatoes, eggs, carrots, black beans, seaweed, milk
Pregnant and Mixed-Feeding Mothers Rice, potatoes, eggs, carrots, black beans, seaweed, sea mustard, milk
Postpartum Mothers Rice, potatoes, eggs, carrots, black beans, seaweed, sea mustard, milk
Exclusive Breastfeeding Mothers Rice, potatoes, eggs, carrots, black beans, seaweed, sea mustard, chicken breast, orange juice, milk